So first things first. I'm figuring out how to walk like all of you big people! I need a little help, but I can pretty much pull myself up on anything that I can get a hold of. This means that I get to do a lot more treasure hunting! I have also learned that "No, get out of there!" really means "Good job, you found the treasure!" So it's very exciting for me.
Also I spent some time visiting all of my grandparents this Summer. First I saw Nana and Papa in Helena and then Grandma and Grandpa in Minnesota. I love visiting grandparents because they are so much fun! I never stop playing and they have the coolest toys. I think their houses must be where toys are made because every time I see them there are new and cool toys coming from nowhere!
I also got to meet some of my cool cousins who were so nice and played with me a lot too! Actually I think that I will have to thank them for being so nice and fun. I will try to be nice to my cousins too when I get older and I have cousins who are younger than me! I'll help and teach them how to do all of my fun tricks like making all the girls at church melt whenever I smile. I think that will be a seriously useful skill for all of my cousins!
I got to swim in a pool for the first time ever and it was the best! It was like taking a bath except in a giant bath tub. Again mom and dad didn't bring a camera, but we reinacted the experience in a bath tub later for everyone to see!
Well, Dad says it's getting to be my bedtime and that I should get to sleep! I don't really understand why though, because every time I wake up they are awake too! They probably never sleep, so I don't really understand why I should have to. They should let me stay up and play with them all night just like during the day! Well, I love you all!
Hey! I found your guys' blog! Cam's getting so big and cute!