Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Summer Events part 2

So the rest of the summer was just a blur. With the birth of Nathan we were running around like crazy (at least it felt like it) as we got use to having 2 kids around.

As you can tell, it didn't take very long.

In mid August, we took our chances and went out to Helena, Montana to visit with Dani's family. Both kids were really good for it...after we all got use to traveling. But it was still a lot of run!

Cam had loads of fun with his cousin Izzy!

Nathan enjoyed lots of quiet time with Uncle Landon.

Cam learned ways to comfort Nathan.

Cam love digging in to stuff at Great-Grandmas.

Cam also learned the joys of a touch screen computer. That was fun to teach him after we got home to not touch the screens of our laptops.

Cam was a big help with packing.

As you can see, they had a blast with Papa

Cam enjoyed video games! (Sorry still Uncle Landon)

And we all would love to go back and visit again!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Guys! So glad to see how well you are doing! How old are Cam and Nathan now? Hope you guys are doing well. Our blog is private so if you would like to read it just send me a message on facebook or something with your blog email address.
    -Jen (Garcia) Lowe :)
