Tuesday, March 16, 2010

New Baby!--And Cam news!

Since the last time we blogged... Cam popped some teeth I took finals we had christmas break bought a christmas tree decorated it put lights on it gave cam some presents cam sat in a sled indoors hated the sled outdoors saw Avatar (SOOOOO long) I went back to school Dani got pregnant Cam popped two more teeth cam sings cam dances we take pictures cameron laughs we blow up a bottle of root beer on the porch Dani started teaching primary at church Cam gets sick and is really cuddly then feels better and stops being cuddly--bittersweet feelings about Cam being sick lots of diapers are changed and plenty of clothes get dirty. So I think that about wraps things up!

I am currently on Spring Break so I actually have time to write something on the blog! More importantly, we found out what new baby is going to be... It's another boy! So we all excited and working on names and are pumped to already have clothes and stuff ready for the new little boy. And now it's time to stop talking and post pictures.